วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Kindle DX : News

KindleDX : News
ts worth nothing that the KindleDX has better screen contrast and handles PDFs well – technical documents look great. At the same time PDFs don’t have annotations, Text To Speech, etc. While a lot of owners love the larger size (think hardcover; size of kindle dx screen equal to full size of kindle 2) others think it kills portability and if you have weak hands it makes the KindleDX too heavy.
Bottomline: At the moment the average rating across every KindleDX review is 4.2 stars at Amazon and 4.5 stars across all kindle forums. Owners love the KindleDX.
KindleDX Review Stats – Blogs and Newspapers
Here’s what we have (only linking to a few) -
Steven Levy at Wired gives it 7/10.
Walt Mossberg thinks the KindleDX is bigger, not better than the Kindle 2. The actual review is pretty balanced and tends towards a 7.
CNet gives it 3.5 out of 5 stars.
Boing Boing complain about the price and document conversion and seem to be tending towards an 8/10.
Gizmodo seem to be giving the KindleDX a 7/10 and seem rather pessimistic about the future of eInk.
BusinessWeek are generally positive. 8/10.
SlashGear have an amazing number of photos and a video. They seem to be tending between 7 and 8.
Every single blog and news site seems to be saying -
Its good, its too expensive, it can never take on the iPhone, and it will fail. The consensus seems to be a 7 out of 10 rating.
Bottomline: Big blogs and news sites are lukewarm on the KindleDX. They expect it to fail.
One key difference between reporters’ KindleDX reviews and owners’ KindleDX reviews is that the owners seem to understand that kindles are a work in progress.
By Amazon Kindle DX

